13th International Children's Film Festival Bangladesh 2020

Killing Time

Tue le temps (English)

France | 5 min | Adventure | 2019 | Short Film (Animation) | English

Loukoum can’t stand the passage of time anymore. She decides to go face it in person. After a while, she started to fight back. She tried her best to free herself from its control. But can you really get rid of time itself?


লৌকোউম কোনভাবেই সময়ের সাথে তাল মিলিয়ে চলতে পারছিল না। তাই সে সিদ্ধান্ত নেয় যে সে সময়ের মুখোমুখি হবে এবং সময়ের নিয়ন্ত্রণ থেকে নিজেকে মুক্ত করবে। কিন্তু কেউ কী আসলেই পারে সময়ের থেকে মুক্ত হতে?

Original Language

Loukoum ne supporte plus le passage du Temps. Elle décide d'y faire face en personne. Au bout d'un moment, elle a commencé à riposter. Elle a fait de son mieux pour se libérer de son contrôle. Mais pouvez-vous vraiment vous débarrasser du temps lui-même?

Ms. GUILLOT Camille, HAGDAHL SÖREBO Fanny, KRECHMAN Aleksandra, NACIRI Sarah, RAVELONARY Morgane, ZHANG Valentine,

Guillot Camille, Hagdahl Sörebo Fanny, Krechman Aleksandra, Naciri Sarah, Ravelonary Morgane and Zhang valentine are a group of friends from France. They are the students of Goblins, L'ecole de L'image, studying animations.

Filmography: -https://vimeo.com/user34058910

Screening Schedule

  • 27 Jan
    11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

    Alliance Francaise de Dhaka

    Road 3, Dhanmondi

  • 29 Jan
    02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

    Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy


  • 29 Jan
    11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

    Shawkat Osman Hall

    Central Public Library, Shahbag

Credits and Casts

Guillot Camille, Hagdahl Sörebo Fanny, Krechman Aleksandra, Naciri Sarah, Ravelonary Morgane, Zhang Valentine
Guillot Camille, Hagdahl Sörebo Fanny, Krechman Aleksandra, Naciri Sarah, Ravelonary Morgane, Zhang Valentine
Guillot Camille, Hagdahl Sörebo Fanny, Krechman Aleksandra, Naciri Sarah, Ravelonary Morgane, Zhang Valentine
Guillot Camille, Hagdahl Sörebo Fanny, Krechman Aleksandra, Naciri Sarah, Ravelonary Morgane, Zhang Valentine
Guillot Camille, Hagdahl Sörebo Fanny, Krechman Aleksandra, Naciri Sarah, Ravelonary Morgane, Zhang Valentine
Leading Casts
Hagdahl Sörebo Fanny, Bousquié Valérie
Visual Effects
GUILLOT Camille, HAGDAHL SÖREBO Fanny, KRECHMAN Aleksandra, NACIRI Sarah, RAVELONARY Morgane, ZHANG Valentine,
Sound Engineer
TIGER Mathieu