12th International Children's Film Festival Bangladesh 2019


도르라 아방 (Korean)

Korea, Republic of | 25 | Drama | 2018 | Short Film (Live Action) | Korean

A divorced and unemployed man comes to his hometown and feels good after coming here. He goes to work on his old bicycle and his son calls someone and then goes out. The day gets harder and his son has a tough day. A day of hardship for the dad and son comes to an end by running beside the beautiful Jeju Sea beach and middle of mountains and finishes with the beautiful sunset.


এটি একটি বাবার গল্প। নয্াক-চুন একজন বর্য্থ একাকী বাবা যার জীবিকার জনয্ কোন চাকরি নেই। তিনি কাজ করার জনয্ একটি সাইকেল চালান। যখন তিনি কাজ খুঁজতে বাইরে বের হন, তার ছেলেও তার সাথে যায়। দরিদৰ্ বাবাটি জেজুর নীল উপকূলের রাস্তাঘাট এবং পাহাড়ের মাঝখান দিয়ে সাইকেল চালিয়ে যান।

Original Language

이 영 화 는 아 빠 와 아 들 의 이 야 기 이 다. 이 혼 과 직 장 을 잃 은 후 3 0 년 만 에 고 향 인 제 주 로 내 려 온 낙 천 은 오 늘 은 모 든 일 이 잘 될 것 같 아 기 분 이 좋 다. 그 는 낡 은 자 전 거 를 타 고 힘 차 게 출 근 하 고 아 들 인 기 찬 은 누 군 가 에 게 전 화 를 하 고 외 출 한 다. 하 지 만 기 대 했 던 그 의 하 루 는 점 점 힘 들 어 가 고 아 들 역 시 고 된 하 루 를 보 낸 다. 아 들 을 위 해 달 리 는 아 빠 와 아 빠 를 위 해 달 리 는 아 들 의 하루는 노을과 함께 마무리된다.

Mr. Tae soo Seo

Seo Tae-soo was born 15 July 1974 in Busan, Korea. He graduated from Hye Kwang High School and then got admitted into Kyungsung University. He did his film debut as an independent filmmaker after that, and then completed another graduation on filmmaking at the New York Film Academy in London and has been actively producing independent films since then.

Filmography: A House (2003) 16mm / 20min / color / Korea , Director - Indieforum 2003 Screened - Seoul International Agape Film Festival Official Competitive - SYRACUSE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (best asian film awards) Quaking family (2011) HD / 20min / Color B&W / Korea – Director - Seoul International Agape Film Festival Official Competitive Rider (2018) Fer film festival Official Competitive

Screening Schedule

  • 4 Mar
    11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

    Shawkat Osman Hall

    Central Public Library, Shahbag

Credits and Casts

Tae soo, Seo
Tae soo, Seo
Tae soo, Seo
Tae soo, Seo
Tae soo, Seo
Young chul, Eun
Leading Casts
Ho jun, Lee Jae hee, Lee

Exhibition & Award History

Fer international film festival