12th International Children's Film Festival Bangladesh 2019
Spain | 17 | Sci-Fi | 2018 | Short Film (Live Action) | English
Juna is a city dweller who went on a vacation with her father at Tagamanent's mountain. There she finds a very strange boy with whom she shared a very strange connection. The boy behaved very mysteriously which amuses Juna the most. The film explains the impossible friendship between Juna and the special child hiding on Tagamanent’s mountain.
চলচ্চিত্রের শুরুতেই দেখা যায় জুনা নামের এক তরুণীকে যে তার বাবার সাথে অবকাশ যাপনে ট্যাগামানেন্ট পাহাড়ে এসেছে। এসময়ে তার পরিচয় হয় বেশ অদ্ভুত বালকের সাথে। বালকের রহস্যময় ব্যবহারে জুনা তার প্রতি আকৃষ্ট হয় এবং তাদের মধ্যে বন্ধুত্ব গড়ে ওঠে। এই চলচ্চিত্রে পরিচালক জুনা এবং পাহাড়ে লুকিয়ে থাকা অদ্ভুত বালকের অভাবনীয় বন্ধুত্বের গল্প তুলে ধরেছে।
Mr. Pol Rodríguez
Pol Rodríguez is an aspiring filmmaker from Barcelona, Spain. His passion for cinema dragged him to his career in cinematography when he was only 18. In the early years of his career, he worked in art, production, and photography, switching later on to directing. Pol has worked on numerous commercials and participated in 35 feature films. Many of which have received various awards in international film festivals.
Filmography: I’m a filmmacker from Barcelona. Due to my passion for cinema and travel, my career in cinematography started when I was 18 years old, In the early years of my career I worked in art, production, and photography, switching later on to directing. I’ve worked on numer ous commercials, and I’ve participated in 35 feature films, many of which have received numerous awards in international film festivals.In 2015, I wrote, produced, and directed my first feature film titled “Quatretondeta”,which was
Screening Schedule
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Shawkat Osman Hall
Central Public Library, Shahbag
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
British Council
Fuller Road

Credits and Casts
Pol Rodríguez
Dani Campmany, Xavi Galbis, Pol Rodríguez
Dani Campmany, Xavi Galbis, Pol Rodríguez
Jose Luis Romeu
Mireia Martínez
Takuro Takeuchi
Leading Casts
Aina Planas, Andy Turner, Berta Errando, Jorge Yamam, Ferran Lahoz
Exhibition & Award History
Spain | 17 | Sci-Fi | 2018 | Short Film (Live Action) | English
Juna is a city dweller who went on a vacation with her father at Tagamanent's mountain. There she finds a very strange boy with whom she shared a very strange connection. The boy behaved very mysteriously which amuses Juna the most. The film explains the impossible friendship between Juna and the special child hiding on Tagamanent’s mountain.
বাংলাচলচ্চিত্রের শুরুতেই দেখা যায় জুনা নামের এক তরুণীকে যে তার বাবার সাথে অবকাশ যাপনে ট্যাগামানেন্ট পাহাড়ে এসেছে। এসময়ে তার পরিচয় হয় বেশ অদ্ভুত বালকের সাথে। বালকের রহস্যময় ব্যবহারে জুনা তার প্রতি আকৃষ্ট হয় এবং তাদের মধ্যে বন্ধুত্ব গড়ে ওঠে। এই চলচ্চিত্রে পরিচালক জুনা এবং পাহাড়ে লুকিয়ে থাকা অদ্ভুত বালকের অভাবনীয় বন্ধুত্বের গল্প তুলে ধরেছে।
Mr. Pol Rodríguez
Pol Rodríguez is an aspiring filmmaker from Barcelona, Spain. His passion for cinema dragged him to his career in cinematography when he was only 18. In the early years of his career, he worked in art, production, and photography, switching later on to directing. Pol has worked on numerous commercials and participated in 35 feature films. Many of which have received various awards in international film festivals.
Screening Schedule
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Shawkat Osman Hall
Central Public Library, Shahbag
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
British Council
Fuller Road
Credits and Casts
Director Pol Rodríguez |
Story Dani Campmany, Xavi Galbis, Pol Rodríguez |
Script/Screenplay Dani Campmany, Xavi Galbis, Pol Rodríguez |
Editor Jose Luis Romeu |
Producer Mireia Martínez |
Cinematographer Takuro Takeuchi |
Leading Casts Aina Planas, Andy Turner, Berta Errando, Jorge Yamam, Ferran Lahoz |
Exhibition & Award History