12th International Children's Film Festival Bangladesh 2019

Blue Toes


United States | 10:18 | Drama | 2018 | Short Film (Live Action) | English

Blue Toes tells the story of a young boy named Mickey who is very secluded from his classmates and is teased for liking things that other boys don't typically like. The one person he feels that he can be around himself is his older sister. One day at school he is confronted by one of his classmates who makes fun of him for painting his nails and it's up to him to decide what he is going to do.


‘ব্লু টোজ’ নামের চলচিত্রটি মিকি নামের এক অল্প বয়স্ক ছেলের গল্প, যে তার সহপাঠীদের কাছ থেকে দূরে থাকে এবং অন্যসব ছেলেরা যা পছন্দ করেনা সেগুলো সে পছন্দ করার জন্য তাকে উত্ত্যক্ত করা হয়। একমাত্র তার বোনের মাঝেই সে নিজের আশ্রয় খুঁজে পায়। একদিন স্কুলে সে তার এক সহপাঠীর মুখোমুখি হয়, যে তার নেইল পেইন্টিং করার জন্য মজা করে এবং মিকি কী করতে যাচ্ছে সে সিদ্ধান্ত পুরোপুরি তার উপর বর্তায়।

Ms. Isobella Antelis

Isobella Antelis was born and raised in the City of Chicago. She recently graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelors Degree in Film in May 2018. Isobella recently made the move out to Los Angeles to pursue her career in film with the hopes of being a Director & Cinematographer. She believes in the power of storytelling and wants her work to help people feel less alone in the world and make films with important meaning behind them.

Filmography: Blue Toes: Director/Cinematographer Our Way to Fall: Cinematographer Lemon Dog: Cinematographer Styx & Bones: Co-writer & Cinematographer 39 1/2: Assistant art director

Screening Schedule

  • 5 Mar
    04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

    Shawkat Osman Hall

    Central Public Library, Shahbag

Credits and Casts

Isobella Antelis
Isobella Antelis
Isobella Antelis and Andrew Barrett
Zoey Peck
Sarah Grabman and Iara Benchoam
Isobella Antelis
Leading Casts
Kaden Clark, Morgan Price, Jaylen Cauthen