12th International Children's Film Festival Bangladesh 2019


Amimaginaire (French)

France | 5:36 | Comedy | 2018 | Short Film (Live Action) | French

By performing a magic trick, a 5-year-old kid meets an imaginary friend. Together, they travel far beyond reality. This is a short film which will entertain everyone. This film will also evoke with sweetness and humor the discovery of others, mixing real footage and 2D animation. A colorful reverie about the charming world of childhood.


জাদুর কৌশল দেখাতে গিয়ে ৫ বছর বয়সী এক শিশু তার কাল্পনিক বন্ধুর দেখা পেয়ে যায়। একসাথে তারা বাস্তবতা থেকেও আরও অনেক দূরে ভ্রমণ করে। এই চলচ্চিত্রটি সব বয়সী মানুষের জন্য উপযুক্ত। এই চলচ্চিত্রটি দর্শককে অনুভব করাবে সেই সুন্দর অনুভূতি যা আমরা নতুন মানুষকে জানার মাধ্যমে অনুভব করে থাকি। এটি একটি বাস্তবচিত্র এবং দ্বিমাত্রিক অ্যানিমেশনের সংমিশ্রণ। এই চলচ্চিত্রে ফুটে উঠেছে ছোটবেলার মনোমুগ্ধতা এবং রঙিন ভাবাবেশ।

Original Language

Suite à un tour de magie, un garçon de 5 ans fait la connaissance d'un ami imaginaire. Ensemble, ils vont voyager au-delà de la réalité... Un court-métrage pour tous publics qui évoque avec douceur et humour la découverte de l'autre, en mélangeant images réelles et dessin animé. Une rêverie en couleurs qui représente l'imaginaire de l'enfance.


Robin Barriere has been working "always" in the audiovisual industry. Multi-instrumentalist (he is screenwriter and editor of all his films), he has worked so to speak in all possible fields - advertisements, news, documentaries, series, performances, fictions etc. But his hobby is directing short films for children, whose heroes are themselves - children. Since 2000, he has written and directed a dozen short films, some for children and others for the older audience, many of which have been awarded.

Filmography: "Le Roi du village" (2014, 17’51’’) – Special Mention of the Jury and Audience Award, L’ombre du doute / Jouy-en-Josas festival / Selected in Children Festival, Casablanca. "Dad can he cope it?" (2015 / 6’10’’) – Best Film and Best Director, Toulouse 48hfp "The Earth will wait" (2016 / 6’39’’) – Best Writing and Audience Award, Toulouse 48hfp "Memories on credit" (2017 / 6’03’’) – Best Director, Toulouse 48hfp "Some things to tell you" (2018 / 6’45’’) – Best Film, 48hfp France

Screening Schedule

  • 6 Mar
    04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

    Shawkat Osman Hall

    Central Public Library, Shahbag

  • 6 Mar
    11:00 AM - 01:00 PM

    British Council

    Fuller Road

Credits and Casts

Robin Barriere
Robin Barriere
Robin Barriere
Robin Barriere
Robin Barriere
Arnaud Schulz and Nicolas Sahaguian
Leading Casts
Quentin Denis Magnier Prune Trojanski
Sound Engineer
Charlotte COMTE
Mess BESSAD, Olivier GAIMARD, Benoit NIETO and Maxime REY-CAMET
Background Music
Olivier CUSSAC and Loic LAPORTE
Sound Engineer

Exhibition & Award History

HP Masters of Short Films / Festival de Cannes 2018 (France) : Best Film, Best Script

Festival du film d’Espalion (France) : Best Film

International Selections:
Festival SESIFF 2018 (Seoul / South Korea)
Festival Comedy Cluj 2018 (Romania)
Festival Chaniartoon 2018 (Greek)

French Selections:
Festival de Clermont-Ferrand 2019 / sélection Jeunes Publics
Festival du Court-Métrage en Armagnac 2018
Festival du Court-métrage de Fréjus 2019
Festival du Court-métrage « L’ombre d’un court » Jouy-en-Josas 2019