12th International Children's Film Festival Bangladesh 2019



Bangladesh | 1:11 | Drama | 2018 | Short Film (Live Action) | English

A boy woke up in the morning and looked at his hands. Then he started to contemplate what were the things that can be done by hands and what people did each day. Different people did different things. Some did good things, others did bad things. Some of them even thought of taking their lives with their hands. Then he thought that if we were to do something, we had to do the right thing.

Original Language

এক বালক একদিন সকালে ঘুম থেকে উঠেই তার হাতের দিকে তাকালো এবং ভাবতে শুরু করলো, মানুষ তাদের হাত দিয়ে কত কিছু না করে! কেউ করে ভাল কাজ আবার কেউ করে অপরাধ। কেউ কেউ আবার এই হাত দিয়ে নিজের জীবন নিজেই কেড়ে নিতে চায়। অনেক গভীর চিন্তাভাবনার পর সে সিদ্ধান্তে আসে, যদি এই হাত দিয়ে কিছু করতেই হয় তবে সেটা অবশ্যই ভাল কিছু হতে হবে।

Mr. Biozid Al Mahmud

Biozid Al Mahmud was born on 15th December 2001 and lives in Dhaka. In 2018, he completed his HSC exam. He is a quick learner. He loves photography. He is passionate about films. He thinks that film is the best way to express the thoughts, feelings and a story to everyone. Biozid is a member of Kishor Alo Film and Photography Club.

Filmography: 404 (2018)

Screening Schedule

  • 4 Mar
    03:00 PM - 05:00 PM

    Sufia Kamal Auditorium

    National Museum, Shahbag

Credits and Casts

Biozid Al Mahmud
Biozid Al Mahmud
Biozid Al Mahmud
Haider Ayan
Biozid Al Mahmud
Haider Ayan
Leading Casts
Assistant Editor
Abdul Ela